
How to Understand Circumcision: Benefits and Risks

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  • Pages: 12 / Words 2879
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Circumcision can be described as the surgical removal of the foreskin of glans penis. It is done as a medical treatment to solve specific health problems. However, in several countries, circumcision takes place due to some religious and cultural values which are not appropriate for the health condition of an individual. However, it consists of the history of circumcision which was observed in Egyptian culture and further transferred to other religions or cultural beliefs. Moreover, this attempt is terrible for men it has minor benefits which can be maintained by other easy means but it has severe effects on the health status of individuals. 


This topic is talking about circumcision on women and men, its side defects and benefits in different countries. Currently, men, religious, traditional or cultural people and doctors are experiencing the effects or the benefits of circumcision, Jews and Islam most common religions talk only about the benefits of it, especially. Some countries are even not legal to do circumcision for men (Seleim and Elbarbary, 2016). In Europe, such as Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland around 20% of men do circumcision and in the United Kingdom, only 15% do circumcision.

When we look at women's traditions or culture, most African countries still do circumcision for traditional reasons, which affects women's sexual performance in a bad way.

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Literature Review

What is Circumcision?

Circumcision is cutting or removing the foreskin from the genitals or penis of a male human, and removing part of the clitoris or some extern the al female genital from a female human. In this case, it's called FGM, or Female Genital Mutilation (Xia et al., 2016).

History of Circumcision

The history is not known but some ancient Egyptian traditions have indicated the practice of circumcision. With the history of human migration and religious beliefs, circumcision practice transcended among other cultures. In the Middle East, the circumcision of the male is widely practised throughout the nations (Mpofu and et. al., 2017). Ancient Egyptians and the Semites, Jews and Muslims carried the practice with them as they travelled. Australian Aborigines and Polynesians, Aztecs, and Mayans civilizatioAztecAztecso and inherited the practice mainly through travelling. The oldest citronella history is Egypt and the Pharaoh Ankh Mahor at Saqqar, 2400-2300 BCE. It was practised for hygienic reasons and spiritual, and intellectual development. In Thora, here w bible, as wellGenesisis, these and other Abrahamic religions mainly Jews and Muslims as well follow the circumcision for complete removal of the foreskin.

Why Circumcise The Ion?

Many cultures around the world practice circumcision because of its thousands of years of radiation. Many reasons are indicated to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, sacrifices, or preventative measures of any other cancerous diseases. As for Aboriginal Australians and Polynesians, it started a blood sacrifice and test of bravery and became the start of manhood. Middle East and Egyptians practice circumcision for hygiene and the requirement of their biblical order. Aztecs and Native American tribes used it for similar purposes blood sacrifice and bravery of endurance.

The Negative Effect Of Circumcision?

Circumcision can cause inflammation of male or female genitalia. Circumcising or FGM Female Genital Mutilation is not recommended it's abolished in most cultures around the world due to the mental and physical disfiguration of females (Skinner, 2019). Some studies proved that men's sexuality has different grades of satisfaction, than females.

Positive effects of Circumcision

Circumcision is believed to be for hygiene reasons. With some scientific proof but not assured, male circumcision is one way of avoiding some sexually transmitted diseases.

Some cultures believe that circumcision can protect from contracting HIV. However,r there is no scientific information that has been a proven fact (Eroglu and et. al., 2016).

Why Do Countries Still Practice Circumcision?

As indicated, for many reasons or beliefs it could lower the risk of transmitted diseases. In addition to variations of reasons as the variations still circumcision being practised around the practice recent years, it was indicated that it decreases the risk of penile cancer and cervical cancer in sexual partners.


Types of Investigation

Two types of investigation are qualitative and quantitative.

Quantitative investigation explains phenomena by assembling numerical data that are analysed using methods which are supported by mathematical and statistical methods. If there are no Numbers used, then it's no quantitative research (Britton, 2016). Contrary kinds of coercion, comparative, experimental etc.

In the qualitative investigation, one desires to answer questions about why and how people act up in the mode that they do. It gives an extended message about human action. It regards the words or lanregards

This research will focus on a qualitative investigation to examine interviews, data, observations etc.

Data Collection Methods

There are two types of methods primary and secondary data collection-  It is the procedure to collect data from the origin as opposed to collecting research that some others have done. Data can be acquired by observation, face-to-face interviews, mail and telephone (Brady, 2016).

Secondary data collection- whenever data are gathered by some other people for an intention other than the current project has already undergone statistical analysis. It is readily available from other sources (Somov and et. al., 2017). In this project, it will concentrate on both primary and secondary data collection.

Sampling Method

This is mentioned for the select associate from people. Associatedisassociateo parts are probable and Lannon-probable bleed.

This investigation is a random sampling method. This is described as a part of the proficiency of sampling in which all sample has an equivalent quantity of being selected. It means impartial content of the total people (Ogunsiji, 2016). For some reason, the ample does not correspond to the population and the fluctuation is called a sampling fault. This enquiry of sampling method consists sample size of 40 respondents.



Q1. Do you know about the basic understanding of circumcision?

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. According to your opinion, is circumcision beneficial for individuals?

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Q3. What is the specific age as per your views preferred for attempting circumcision? Newborn

  • 5 years to 15 years
  • 15 years and above

Q4. Does circumcision develop Health complexities for an individual?

  • Yes
  • No

Q5. Any suggestions for future research?


Analysis of Results?Primary based analysis

Theme 1: The Basic Understanding Of Circumcision

Q1. Do you know about the basic understanding of circumcision?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: Considering the above graph, it has been the n analysed that 32 respondents are aware of the concept of ciofofision whereas the rest of the 8 individuals do not know the w about the same.

Theme 2: The Circumcision Is Beneficial Or Not For Individuals.

Q2. According to your opinion, is circumcision beneficial for individuals?


  • Agree


  • Disagree


Interpretation: It has been determined that 22 participants agree regarding the achievement of benefits of circumcision. On the contrary, the remaining 18 people disagree with thoughts of gaining benefits from circumcision.

Theme 3: The Specific Age Prefer For Attempting Circumcision.

Q3. What is the specific age as per your views preferred for attempting circumcision?


  • n


  • 5 years to 15 years


  • 15 years and above


Interpretation: From the above pie graph, it has been evaluated that 15 respondents said that circumcision can be attempted with newborns after 2 or 7 days of birth. However, 10 individuals provide views about 5 years to 15 years of age whereas the rest of the 15 go with the age of 15 years and above for circumcision.

Theme 4: Circumcision Develops Health Complexities For An Individual

Q4. Does circumcision develop health complexities for an individual?


  • Yes


  • No


Interpretation: Considering the above graphical representation, it has been identified that 25 participants said that an attempt at circumcision

Secondary based analysis

Theme 1: Circumcision And Its History

Considering the gathered information about circumcision, it has been evaluated that it is a harmful attempt for both h males and females. People must understand the extremely negative effects of this activity and avoid such horrible activities by the faith of different religions. However, it is observed circumcision was primarily observed in Egyptian tradition which was transferred to other cultures. It was also practised by Jews and Muslims.

It has been the oldest planned operation known to man and done for religious and medical reasons (Sharara-Chami and et. al., 2017). The history of this has such a strong determination with Jewish religion that is easy to think the recitation got it get-go in the Torah, but it is considered that Jews were uncovered to the customized by the ancient Egyptians, who experienced it for thousands of years earlier the birth of Christ. Both the Mayans and the Aztecs circumcised their male children and the pattern has gone on for the the time by the endemic people of some other countries. Ancient historian Herodotus acknowledgement in their writings that circumcision was experiential by Colchians, and past people who lived in what is now contemporary day Georgia.

Theme 2: Reason For Circumcision And Its Positive & Negative Effects

It has been analysed that circumcision exists in the world due to some religious and cultural beliefs in various regions. It has minor benefits such as avoiding sexually transmitted diseases and other tract infections whereas it has severe negative effects on the health of an individual. A circumcised man faces extreme pain, excess bleeding and complicated infections (Earp and et. al., 2018). It consists of negative effects like problems with surgery that may occur such as skin bloodstream infections, gangrene, scarring, surgical accidents, bleeding etc. This process causes pain. Even so, causes can use some, aesthetics around the region to block some of the pain. They may have to pay for the surgery themselves because many insurance companies do not cover the price.

On the other hand, positive effects include that it prevents under the foreskin and persistent tight prepuce. Both of these issues are rare and usually due to pulling back the foreskin too often or too hard (Siev and et. al., 2016). Lowers the risk of cancer of the penis. Nevertheless, good hygiene offers equal protection against this very rare cancer. It Protects against UTI during the first year of life.

Theme 3: Reason Behind Why The Countries Still Practice Circumcision

It has been identified that ccircumcisesiisnot considered an illegal attempt in several countries due to which people still practice this activity. It is required for the government at the global level to put efforts into eliminating this threat from society because it is not very beneficial but extremely harmful for men. This form of circumcision is assumed to be lawful in different nations, provided both (Ammaturo, 2016). Parents provide their consent or it is carried out competently. It is outlined by authorities that the boy's wishes and involvement should also be taken into account. But doctors can waste to executing a non-curative circumcision if it goes against their conscience.

As well as this is because circumcision is often done for religious and cultural or traditional reasons which are considered part of rituals or rites of passage to adulthood in different countries. A broad variation between the different regions and nations in the practice.

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The above study has concluded that vision can be described as a process of surgically removing the foreskin of the glans penisthe in men. It consists of the religious and cultural beliefs of people due to which they attempt the selected activity which is extremely harmful. Meanwhile, it consists of various positive and negative effects of circumcision on the health condition of men all over the world. However, many countries are observed where this activity is not considered an illegal attempt. Moreover, it includes the traditional values of specific regions which encourage people to attempt this horrible act.


Considering the above information, it has been recommended that the government should put efforts towards this terrible attempt at circumcision to eliminate it. Legal authorities must take strict actions to remove these threats from society to improve the health of people. However, it is suggested that healthcare professionals should conduct health promotion campaigns to encourage citizens to avoid such activities.

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